Frustrated women and the men that date them

Either it’s the size of their ears or the fact that they’re overweight, their personality or their face, women tend to over exaggerate no matter the issue. We are born this way, we focus on the most insignificant detail which we multiply by ten and then complain that we have a problem. Women are obsessed with their flaws and are certain that everybody sees them and talk behind their backs about IT. And that is why we try to compensate by drawing attention to other parts of our body which we are content with.
But in some cases, these actions are borderline excessive. Wanting to be unique is ok as long as you don’t fall in the lame category. We are different by nature, our DNA helps a lot, you know. There’s no need to try so much to differentiate yourself from others, just be creative and follow your instinct. It’s ok to like cats (even if half of the population likes them as well), it’s normal to dream about your wedding day (but don’t turn into an obsessed Bridezilla), it’s ok to dress differently and not follow the rules (as long as you don’t end up looking like a Christmas tree or a carpet), it’s perfectly normal to leave somethings private and not share them with the entire facebook community (the best relationship is the one that doesn’t appear online because they don’t feel the need to brag about it – love makes you a better person, teaches you respect and modesty), it’s normal to make mistakes but it’s important to learn from them (I know I have flaws 😉 but I’m trying to do the right thing and not follow the wrong examples). And sometimes accept that it’s perfectly fine to choose the same path as others; you cannot reinvent the world.

Women are also paranoid. They see a tiny hole and immediately imagine that it’s actually twice as worst than in reality. Combine frustration with paranoia and you get a unstable ball of emotions. But don’t get me wrong, not all women are so dysfunctional. We are a roller coaster of emotions, some take a slower ride and some go straight for the thrill seeking one.
As a general rule, women get really frustrated when they aren’t getting what they want weather it’s sex, attention, money or love. You might easily get confused what her issue is because it can come under many combinations: lack of love and therefore lack of sex, lack of love and attention, but with meaningless sex, lack of money and therefore lack of love or sex because some women just love money. No matter the case, if you don’t provide her what she wants, sooner rather than later, she will dump your ass.
Women choose to be frustrated and instead of solving their issues they just over think everything. If you don’t like the way you look, do something about it! If you’re overweight and find it upsetting that people don’t support your love for midnight snacks and fast food, go to the gym and choose a healthy lifestyle. It’s not ok to cry about it and get all depressed. There is a solution to any problem, it’s just that you prefer the easy way. And if that’s the case, be mature about it and accept the comments. If you don’t like a part of your body, go to the gym, take swimming classes, run in the park, go to a cosmetician; but don’t just lay there and complain that you are misunderstood.

This is how we are, but why do man date such women? Is it because they are vulnerable, is it because they won’t ask for much or say no too often? Or is it because they do not find themselves strong enough to date an independent woman?
In these cases, the saying opposites attract is not relevant. A powerful man will not choose a weak woman because of endless reasons, but mostly because we seek equals or better partners, we want to rise above our condition and evolve. It’s a natural reaction, to choose the best specimen out there. There are cases when you just fall in love without knowing too much about a person, but I believe that in the end, if you aren’t compatible the relationship will fail. A strong woman won’t stand by a man that is too easy to manipulate (unless she doesn’t have any other options, and that can only mean that she herself isn’t a good catch).
There are also cases when people are plain superficial and that’s when men will choose beauty over personality or knowledge, and women will choose money over love or age. So many possibilities, so few great relationships!

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